Precious Tooth service
What Is The Precious Tooth Service?
The dental pulp contained within all teeth is a rich source of unique stem cells that have the ability to regenerate and develop into many different kinds of cells, with the potential to treat future illness or injury without rejection.
All baby teeth fall out, often healthy teeth are removed for orthodontic reasons or wisdom teeth extracted. These occasions offer an ideal opportunity to collect, process and store your own, or your child’s, stem cells simply, safely and routinely. Baby teeth that fall out naturally have a reduced chance of yielding viable stem cells, which is why you would visit your dentist who can painlessly remove your child’s loose tooth, preserving its vital stem cells.
Your Cells For Your Future
The future of medicine using stem cells treatment looks bright. Adult stem cells hold the potential to dramatically change how a wide range of high-prevalence, life threatening diseases are treated.
By choosing to bank your, or your child’s, stem cells now, you are ensuring that they will always be there to safeguard your future as treatment becomes available for a growing number of diseases such as cancers, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and many more.
The Stem Cell Miracle
Extensive and continuing medical research is identifying and developing amazing stem cell therapies. These are proving successful in the treatment of a wide range of diseases that have until now been considered difficult or impossible to treat. Stem cells heal and restore skin, bones, cartilage, muscles, nerves and other tissues which have become damaged through injury or disease. At this time, there are over 5,000 ongoing clinical trials of new treatments involving stem cells. These treatments could soon become available to you – but your own stem cells will be vital to the process.
Why Preserve Dental Stem Cells?
Similar to stem cells from bone marrow and umbilical cord blood, which have been used for decades to treat leukaemia and other blood related diseases, stem cells from teeth have the potential to be used in a broad range of medical applications.
Doctors have already used dental stem cells to successfully regenerate dental bone and treat periodontal disease, and researchers are studying how they could help treat a number of serious diseases and conditions:
- Diabetes
- Spinal cord injury
- Muscular dystrophy
- Stroke
- Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
- Liver disease
- Cornea repair
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s
How It Works
We work with you and your dentist to set up the Precious Tooth service. We provide a stem cell collection kit, which includes all the materials needed to protect and transport the tooth overnight to our lab.
Once in the lab, we collect the dental pulp from the tooth which contains your own unique stem cells, perform a number of quality control steps and provide a final report to you. You will be issued with a certificate of storage and a unique ID number. Then we keep the cells frozen at very cold temperatures until the day they are needed, when we send them directly to your healthcare provider.